Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)

Churchill, Halifax, & Christmas Eve

The new film Darkest Hour about Churchill’s tense first days as premier movingly portrays how the fortitude of the common…

In the Kremlin’s Crosshairs - Russia Election Interference
In the Kremlin’s Crosshairs

In light of its actions in 2016, there should be no question as to whether Vladimir Putin’s Russia is or can be a friend.

The End of the Beginning: Patience for Democracy's Leaders
The End of the Beginning: Patience for Democracy’s Leaders

This article, originally published in Christianity and Crisis on November 30th, 1942, urges citizens of democracy to have patience with their leaders. Editor Reinhold…

Plans for World Reorganization: The Problem of Power
Plans for World Reorganization: The Problem of Power

The idealists desire a global government; the realists see the problem of power. Niebuhr explains, critiques, and offers wisdom for an international body.

Just Prudence: Defending Aquinas on Preemption, Prevention, & Decisiveness in War
Just Prudence: Defending Aquinas on Preemption, Prevention, & Decisiveness in War

St. Thomas Aquinas knew more than his modern emendators do about grounding his just war deliberations—and much else—in the cardinal moral virtue of prudence.

Trump Should Reverse Obama’s Lifting of Sudan Sanctions
Trump Should Reverse Obama’s Lifting of Sudan Sanctions

Despite continued violence in Sudan and the disapproval of senior members of Congress, last January President Obama signed an executive order lifting Sudan sanctions on a probationary basis.

A Shield for Faith: The U.S. Military and Religious Freedom
A Shield for Faith: The U.S. Military and Religious Freedom

In a world where might makes right, it is the U.S. military—not international treaties, presidential speeches, UN resolutions, protest marches, Wall Street, or Wal-Mart—that protects us from enemies who would either stamp out all faiths or force submission to one faith.

The Small Nations and European Reconstruction
The Small Nations and European Reconstruction

In 1942, Christianity & Crisis argues the importance of preserving and incorporating smaller nation-states when reconstructing Europe after World War II.

FDR and the Liberal International Order
FDR and the Liberal International Order

Nigel Hamilton’s Commander in Chief reveals Franklin Roosevelt formulated at a very early phase a clear vision for how a liberal international order should look post-World War II.