First Amendment

Stephen Wolfe’s Case for a Protestant Byzantium

Stephen Wolfe’s book, while provocative and worth reading, fails to consider the good reasons for Abraham Kuyper’s neo-Calvinist political theology

A Puritan Named Kennedy

Robert Frost, while campaigning for JFK, referred to him as a “Puritan named Kennedy” from New England.

America’s Problem is With Civility, Not Free Speech

The answer to our problems is not less free speech but more civility

How High the Wall between Church and State? 

The First Amendment’s Establishment Clause does not mandate a “wall” between church and state, as some progressives believe

University Zoom Event with Terrorist Stopped, Again - Leila Khaled - San Francisco State University SFSU
University Zoom Event with Terrorist Stopped, Again

Leila Khaled, a notorious terrorist leader, was again prevented from speaking virtually at a California public university-sponsored event.

A President’s Prayer on the World War II Memorial
A President’s Prayer on the World War II Memorial

The Friends of the National World War II Memorial recently announced the charity had received a $2-million grant that will allow the inclusion of President Franklin Roosevelt’s D-Day prayer on the memorial site.

Why Should Christians Support International Religious Freedom?
Why Should Christians Support International Religious Freedom?

The most profound and powerful reasons for religious freedom are Christian reasons, and they extend not only to Christians but to all people. In my view this means that there is also a deep theological warrant for international religious freedom.

“A Beacon on Our Coast”: The First Freedom at Home & Abroad

Religious freedom and foreign affairs have always been inextricably linked.