Francisco Franco

The Constitution is No “Parchment Promise”

While it has become fashionable to declare US Constitution an obstacle to conservative objectives, nothing could be further from the truth

Christian Dictatorship Chic?

Contemporary America is superior to a single day under Franco, communist East Germany, or any dictator.   

Franco Resurrected - Valle de los Caídos
Franco Resurrected

Removing Francisco Franco’s body from the Valle de los Caídos would disturb an unwritten pact of forgiveness and forgetting Spain made during its transition to democracy.

Francisco Franco era Valley of the Fallen
Monuments, Memories, & Franco

Modern democratic Spain is both a rejection and product of Franco’s dictatorship. Should he be honored or despised?

Spanish Civil War Survivor

Del Berg, age 100, died last week, reputedly the last of several thousand Americans who fought in the 1930s Spanish…