
The World’s Largest Muslim-Majority Country Goes to the Polls

On February 14th, the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, Indonesia, will elect its next president.

Indonesia’s New Criminal Code Leads to Conflict with U.S.

The new criminal code of Indonesia has been criticized by journalists and the State Department for its banning of illicit sex, blasphemy, and partial news.

Indonesia Bans FPI and Appoints New Minister of Religious Affairs, Signaling More Robust Opposition to Radicalism
Indonesia Appoints New Minister of Religious Affairs, Signaling More Robust Opposition to Radicalism

On December 22, Indonesian President Joko Widodo reshuffled his cabinet. The shuffle was expected, but it did contain a big surprise on the religious front.

Abraham Kuyper Among the Nations
Abraham Kuyper among the Nations

We have an introductory, if provisional, picture of anti-Revolutionary foreign policy and Abraham Kuyper’s platform coming into the highest political office in the Netherlands in the early twentieth century. How did this platform fair? What “necessary adjustments” (as Kuyper called them) did he need to make between his Calvinistic international theory and the actual work of foreign policy?

Muslims and Evangelicals form Joint Working Group to Counter Extremism

On April 20, members of the world’s largest Muslim organization and one of the world’s largest Christian organizations announced the creation of a joint working group to counter two threats to religious freedom and to society more broadly: religious extremism and secular extremism.

New Christian-Muslim Political Alliances?
New Christian-Muslim Political Alliances?

Christian and Muslim politicians and leaders reaching out to each other is one of the more hopeful signs in our increasingly divided world.

Indonesia 2019 Election: Good News, Warning Signs, and Implications for the United States
Indonesia’s 2019 Election: Good News, Warning Signs, and Implications for the United States

Javanese voters linked to Nahdlatul Ulama will be the key swing demographic group in Indonesia’s elections moving forward. This is a mixed blessing in terms of religious freedom.

Indonesian Presidential Election Win for Jokowi Is Good News
Indonesian Presidential Election Win for Jokowi Is Good News

Jokowi’s reelection helps cement democracy in Indonesia, a vitally important reason the US should warmly welcome it.

Goodbye Ahok, Hello “BTP”: Inside Indonesia’s Convoluted Politics
Goodbye Ahok, Hello “BTP”: Inside Indonesia’s Convoluted Politics

On January 24, 2019, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, formerly known by his nickname Ahok and now as “BTP,” was released from prison. What happens to him will tell us much about Indonesia’s political future.