Jean Bethke Elshtain

Getting Sex-Real About Feminism

Erika Bachiochi’s book “The Rights of Women” is an excellent resource for sex-realist feminism in IR

Jean Bethke Elshtain: An Augustinian at War
Jean Bethke Elshtain: After Ten Years

Today marks the denary anniversary of Jean Elshtain’s death. She is much missed. Her brand of Christian realist thinking is desperately needed today.

Natural Law and International Justice: A Moral Case for Coercive Intervention

When do nations have not only the option of but the responsibility to intervene in the affairs of other nations?

The Danger of Revolutionary Idealism: the Violence of Collectivism

The Rise of Violent, Revolutionary Ideology in the 20th Century and its Christian Realist Tonic.

Chastened Patriotism

Patriotism is part of our repertoire of civic ideals and identities, as Jean Bethke Elshtain reminded us. While its excesses and perversions are to be lamented, Patriotism rightly perceived yields a concern for the moral tenor of one’s culture.

Amnesty International’s Moral Confusion 

Ukraine’s actions have been broadly reflective of the desire to protect innocents and to stop the military aggressor that is killing innocents through indiscriminate strikes.

Václav Havel: A Prophet to America
Václav Havel: A Prophet to America

The prophet Václav Havel wants Americans to know that there is an important connection between remembering God and living in freedom.

Just War is Not a Foreign Policy
Just War is Not a Foreign Policy

Just war thinking is moral analysis of military action, not a framework for foreign policy. Acknowledging these limitations helps us to become better just war casuists, and it highlights the need for values-driven strategic thinking in the foreign policy sphere.

This Advent: Hope for Americans and the World
This Advent: Hope for Americans and the World

During this season of Advent, the patriotic American citizen can find much for which to be hopeful. For the American Christian, we are reminded of our ultimate reason for hope.