Josef Stalin

A Return to Ideological Competition: Western Liberal Values or Totalitarianism

Biden’s State of the Union lacked the moral clarity on the civilizational struggle the US is in against China and Russia

A Tale of Two Vladimirs

Vladimir Putin was not born to be a dictator, but rather made a series of free choices through adulthood that led him to evil

Dictators of Reality: When Political Ideology Sows the Seeds of Pseudoscience

When ideology is placed before truth in science, the laws of nature themselves can become its greatest victims.

George F. Kennan’s “X” Article in Foreign Affairs 

George Kennan’s “Sources of Soviet Conduct” article in Foreign Affairs remains one of the most influential of all time

The Russo-Ukrainian War Through History’s Lens

The history of Imperial Russia is more relevant than ever with the invasion of Ukraine

Diplomatic Icebreakers

Peace with Russia, as in Soviet times, has always been unpalatable but necessary.

Dmitri Volkogonov: Historian of Soviet Lies

Dmitri Volkogonov’s histories contributed significantly to the delegitimization of the Soviet regime in the eyes of ordinary Russians by exposing the naked terror which underpinned the USSR.

Getting Russia Right

Richard John Neuhaus was always fond of reminding those drawn to the seductions of modern secular political faiths that they…

The Danger of Revolutionary Idealism: the Violence of Collectivism

The Rise of Violent, Revolutionary Ideology in the 20th Century and its Christian Realist Tonic.