
Will Finland and Sweden Shift out of Neutral?
Will Finland and Sweden Shift out of Neutral?

Long-time neutrals Sweden and Finland appear poised to apply for NATO membership, perhaps as early as this month or during next month’s NATO summit. If these Nordic neighbors do join the alliance, this dramatic change in the European security landscape will be good for them—and for NATO.

Don’t Blame NATO for Russia Invading Ukraine
Don’t Blame NATO for Russia Invading Ukraine

As Vladimir Putin continues his war of war crimes against Ukraine, there are arguments swirling around—some more serious than others—that this war is, somehow, NATO’s fault. That’s certainly what Putin believes, but the blame-NATO crowd is wrong.

The Five Books on Russia You Should Read
The Five Books on Russia You Should Read

Russia has historically been a challenging topic for scholars. Geographically, most of Russia lies in continental Asia, but culturally most…

Trump Should Remember How the Baltic Way Helped Topple Soviet Occupation
Trump Should Remember How the Baltic Way Helped Topple Soviet Occupation

While Crimea may not be returned to Ukraine for decades, Putin’s Kremlin will not last forever. Since the future global political landscape is unpredictable, America has the responsibility as the leader of the free world to provide clear and consistent messaging on issues of freedom and the rule of law. President Trump should know that in the long run Crimean annexation non-recognition will pay off, just as 50 unwavering years of the United States’ Baltic annexation non-recognition policy eventually paid off.

NATO Compass, Izmir, Turkey
NATO Takes the Fifth

What does NATO need to do going forward? The short answer: more and less.

The Baltics: NATO’s Soft Underbelly?
The Baltics: NATO’s Soft Underbelly?

With the consequential economic depression, the heavy influence of Russian propaganda, the presence of former Soviet officials receiving a monthly check from Moscow, and being far from Riga in so many ways, Daugavpils appears to be NATO’s “soft” underbelly.

NATO’s Russian Ballet Latvia
NATO’s Russian Ballet

How leaders in Riga and other front line NATO capitals conduct the delicate dance between asserting their national identities and managing relations with their Russian minorities could mean the difference between war and peace.