
A Tale of Two Nuns Martyred Under Fascism & Communism

Edith Stein and Olga Bida, two Catholic martyrs who perished under Nazi and Soviet rule, remind us today how to live according to the truth that Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world

Thousands of Paper Cuts, Then a Nuclear Bomb: Georges Sorel, French Anarchism, and Iran’s Revolutionary Warfighting Doctrine

Iran’s warfighting doctrine is rooted in early 20th century anarchism, millenarian eschatology, and the revolutionary myth that every martyr contributes to bring about an apocalyptic ‘final victory.’

J. Peter Pham Christianity & National Security 2023

J. Peter Pham’s lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. J. Peter Pham discusses the demographic, economic, and spiritual growth…

Fulani Pastor Martyred on Good Friday Near Jos, Nigeria
Fulani Pastor Martyred on Good Friday Near Jos, Nigeria

On Easter weekend Christians the world over prayed; some went to church. In Nigeria’s Plateau State, a Fulani pastor was martyred.

Political Questions Are Not Irrelevant to Faith: A Reflection on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Martyrdom
Political Questions Are Not Irrelevant to Faith: A Reflection on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Martyrdom

Seventy-five years ago, Reinhold Niebuhr wrote this article reflecting on the martyrdom of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

John Allen Chau’s Death and the Moral High Ground: Marc LiVecche Responds to a Critique Amy Fallas
John Allen Chau’s Death and an Old Debate over Missions: Marc LiVecche Responds to a Critique

Marc LiVecche is grateful to Amy Fallas for responding to his essay discussing the death of John Allen Chau. But he’s not entirely convinced she’s advanced the conversation all that much. Rather than challenge anything the essay said, LiVecche thinks she has confirmed it.

What John Allen Chau's Martyrdom Can Teach Us about Missions and Foreign Policy
What John Allen Chau’s Martyrdom Can Teach Us about Missions and Foreign Policy

John Allen Chau’s martyrdom provokes questions about the role religion plays in relations between peoples and about encounters between the West and developing cultures.

How Do Copts Endure Their Martyrdoms?
How Do Copts Endure Their Martyrdoms?

The Coptic Orthodox Church’s liturgy featuring daily readings from the Synaxarium about celebrated saints and martyrs encourage the faithful to suffer even unto death.

Will the Ambush of a Church Retreat Ambush Also Coptic Faith? Egypt Bus Attack
Will the Ambush of a Church Retreat Ambush Also Coptic Faith?

As word spread that 28 Coptic Christians were killed by terrorists, ambushed on their way to a church retreat in Upper Egypt, it was a little while before the realization hit: I was on a church retreat in the Delta.