Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

How the Church Can Counsel Us During the Next Pandemic

As Promisel and Russell have argued, the Catholic Church’s teaching on solidarity should serve as a signpost for the US to navigate the next pandemic

Conquering Taiwan — What has Xi Jinping learned from Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine?
Conquering Taiwan — What has Xi Jinping learned from Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine?

Xi Jinping is watching the Ukrainian invasion closely and is strategizing his long-term interactions with the democratic world based on the West’s response.

Rebeccah Heinrichs Christianity & National Security 2022

Rebeccah Heinrichs’s lecture at the Christianity & National Security Conference 2022. Rebeccah Heinrichs discusses the Chinese Communist Party, internal division,…

Reflections on Truck Blockades and Canada’s Martial Law

The Canadian trucker protests deserve attention, especially viewed in the light of recent events in Canada that have been little-known outside the country, and also for what they reveal about the country’s political order and class divisions.

The World Must Investigate COVID-19’s Origin
The World Must Investigate COVID-19’s Origin

If any government has the most need to know COVID-19’s origin, it is the Chinese government ruled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s general secretary, Xi Jinping.

Americans Have Strength, Need Hope

Despite the gloomy outlook, there are several reasons for hope this Advent season. This is not nearly the darkest period in American or global history, and there are good reasons to believe that the US still possesses all the tools needed to revitalize the country and stabilize the international system. The question is whether we will use them effectively.

Pass the BURMA Act
Pass the BURMA Act

Covering everything from sanctions and import prohibitions to humanitarian aid, the BURMA Act is one of the most comprehensive pieces of proposed legislation to address the coup.

What Could the Hirak Movement Mean for Religious Freedom in Algeria?
What Could the Hirak Movement Mean for Religious Freedom in Algeria?

Do the extensive, reformative demands of the Hirak support religious freedom promotion in Algeria?

Vietnamese Government Uses COVID-19 to Crack Down on Christians
Vietnamese Government Uses COVID-19 to Crack Down on Christians

Recent coronavirus outbreaks have led Vietnam to impose harsher restrictions to protect the health of citizens. But COVID-19 has also enabled the socialist government to ramp up its persecution of Christians.