Popular Mobilization Units (PMU)

Is the Political Influence of Iran in Iraq and Lebanon Declining?
Is the Political Influence of Iran in Iraq and Lebanon Declining?

Within the space of a few months, Iranian proxies and allies in Iraq and Lebanon suffered significant setbacks in parliamentary elections. Some commentators have ventured that the era of Tehran’s hegemony may be over. While it is hard to predict the final outcome of these electoral shifts, such hopes might be premature.

Pope’s Visit Offers an Opportunity for Christians in Iraq
Pope Francis’ Visit Offers an Opportunity for Christians in Iraq

Hopefully, Pope Francis’ trip to visit the Christians in Iraq will not only lift their spirits but also inspire change so that they can stay and prosper in their ancient homeland, which would benefit all of Iraq.

Iraq Must Dismantle the Popular Mobilization Forces

Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq now pose a threat greater than the services they once provided.

The First Thing that Must Change for Iraq to Move Forward
The First Thing that Must Change for Iraq to Move Forward

The United States and the international community could make a difference in the future of Iraq by informing the incoming government that there will be no investment or access to capital markets until these militias, and Iranian influence, have been eliminated.

Between Two Caesars: The Christian Militias of Northern Iraq
Between Two Caesars: The Christians of Northern Iraq

After becoming direct victims of ISIS violence in 2014, no significant Christian groups in northern Iraq chose neutrality, and most fought in Christian militias rather than integrating into larger Iraqi or Kurdish forces.