Ronald Reagan

Loser America?

Jesuit priest and author Thomas Reese wrote a Religion News Service column critical of the US missile strikes on Syria’s…

“Dragon Lady” & “Mother of the Nation”

Anna Chennault and Winnie Mandela, two formidable women who represented some of the last century’s great international conflicts, have died.

What a Country: Immigrants Serve US Military Well
What a Country: Immigrants Serve US Military Well

In an era where old debates over immigration are resurfacing, Guor Maker’s only-in-America story is a reminder of how important immigrants are to this nation—and how much they sacrifice to serve and defend their new home.

NATO Compass, Izmir, Turkey
NATO Takes the Fifth

What does NATO need to do going forward? The short answer: more and less.

Trump’s National Security Strategy and America’s Place in the World
Trump’s National Security Strategy and America’s Place in the World

The purpose of a National Security Strategy (NSS) is to explain how each administration views the security challenges facing the United States—and how it plans to address them. Love it or hate it, President Donald Trump’s NSS does this with often-blunt language and an unapologetic defense of the “America First” approach that shaped his campaign and his first year in office.

What You Should Know About the National Security Strategy
What You Should Know About the National Security Strategy

On December 18, President Trump unveiled his first National Security Strategy (NSS) report. Here is what you should know about this important national security document.

Good Books of 2017

Here are some books I enjoyed over the past year: American Lady: The Life of Susan Mary Alsop By Caroline…

Missile Defense: Insurance Against Mistakes, Miscalculation, and Madmen
Missile Defense: Insurance Against Mistakes, Miscalculation, and Madmen

As the number of missile-wielding states grows and as the nuclear club expands, the likelihood of a missile being unleashed against the American people or their allies—whether by mistake, miscalculation, or a madman—also grows. Missile defense doesn’t eliminate the danger, but it does give us a fighting chance to confront it.

In the Kremlin’s Crosshairs - Russia Election Interference
In the Kremlin’s Crosshairs

In light of its actions in 2016, there should be no question as to whether Vladimir Putin’s Russia is or can be a friend.

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