Should Washington become a party to a peace settlement for the Russia-Ukraine War, it should be prepared to defend Ukraine against inevitable Kremlin pressure to forcibly repatriate Russian prisoners of war.
Mark R. ElliottApril 11, 2022
As the Russia-Ukraine War continues, is World War III inevitable—or has a new kind of world war already begun?
Debra EricksonApril 11, 2022
John F. Kennedy never flinched, but he showed his mettle during the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was his finest hour. Will this one be ours?
Robert MorrisonApril 8, 2022
If order is the attainable and justice the possible, then (re)conciliation is the desirable. Conciliation is future-focused in that it sees former enemies as partners in a shared future.
Eric PattersonApril 6, 2022
The West is not responsible for Putin’s war. But Western democracies are responsible for whether they live by the values that set them apart from the values that animate Putin’s imperial fantasy, and for whether they defend those values against attack.
Debra EricksonApril 4, 2022
The Russian Federation’s expulsion from the Council of Europe on March 16, 2022, and its forthcoming exit from the European Convention on Human Rights were precipitated by the invasion of Ukraine. But they follow a long and fraught history of conflict between Russia and European human rights institutions, a story that holds lessons about the proper purpose and composition of international formations aimed at protecting and promoting human rights.
Aaron RhodesApril 1, 2022
In an age when the word hero is conflated with and attached to movie stars and athletes and people who risk nothing of consequence, it’s bracing to watch—even from afar—true heroes and true heroism in action.
Alan DowdMarch 31, 2022
Mass moral atrocities and genocidal tendencies have not lessened with the supposed end of the Cold War. If anything, they have increased.
J. Daryl CharlesMarch 30, 2022
So now I will pray for all Russian dissenters, who are in great peril. And I will pray for Vladimir Putin, too.
Robert MorrisonMarch 29, 2022