Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

Human Rights in the Balance: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70 Years On
Human Rights in the Balance: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70 Years On

Christians often look at noble efforts such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) as not going far enough. But it is an illustration of the character of a just God imprinted upon the hearts of unjust men and women. Its veneration is an opportunity.

United Methodist Social Principles: Christian Social Principles or Political Preferences?
United Methodist Social Principles: Christian Social Principles or Political Preferences?

The United Methodist Social Principles fails to explain how the authors derive their conclusions from the authority of scripture, which should be the ultimate rule and guide for Christian social principles. And it fails even to reference the long and illustrious history of Christian reflection on these questions.

Dispatch from the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom
Dispatch from the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom

Last month was a significant step forward for international religious freedom advocacy, but much work remains to be done.

Conviction in Crisis: The Image of God and Christian Global Responsibility
Conviction in Crisis: The Image of God and Christian Global Responsibility

This essay examines the perspectives of three eminent Christian leaders—Ambassador Charles Malik, Father Richard John Neuhaus, and Reverend Dietrich Bonhoeffer. They were shaped by different theological traditions (Greek Orthodox, Catholic, and Lutheran, respectively), but each wrestled with the political, cultural, and moral crises of their times according to their Christian convictions.