
Bipartisan Senate Resolution Calls for Stronger Response to Worsening Religious Freedom Conditions Worldwide

Even as partisan divides are increasingly intractable, the promotion of international religious freedom remains one bright spot

Showing Strength in South America to Deter Venezuela

America cannot afford to let Venezuela invade Guyana

Populism in France’s Presidential Election - Marine Le Pen
Populism in France’s Presidential Election

What are we to make of France’s presidential election? More than anything, it points to the power of anti-systemic populism in French politics, whether on the Left or Right.

No Longer a Luxury – Religious Liberty is a National Security Priority
No Longer a Luxury – Religious Liberty is a National Security Priority

Religious liberty is not a luxury good that countries can dismiss and still “get by.” It’s necessary for a vibrant democratic society and national security.

Should Christians Support Dismantling Sanctions on Venezuela as Part of Humanitarian Assistance?
Dismantle Venezuela Sanctions as Part of Humanitarian Assistance?

Some observers call for a relaxation of US sanctions on Venezuela during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eric Farnsworth offers a different recommendation.

2020 Forecast: What Could Happen in Latin America and the Caribbean?
2020 Forecast: What Could Happen in Latin America and the Caribbean?

As the new year commences, there are several developments taking place in Latin America and the Caribbean that will likely make international headlines in 2020. In this commentary, we will briefly discuss some issues to keep in mind.

South America’s Protests: Why Blame Yourself When You Can Blame Someone Else?
South America’s Protests: Why Blame Yourself When You Can Blame Someone Else?

Three South American countries—Bolivia, Chile, and Ecuador—have experienced massive protests in the past couple of months.

As China Increases its Presence in the Western Hemisphere, Where is US Leadership?
As China Increases its Presence in the Western Hemisphere, Where is US Leadership?

While Beijing continues its multidimensional approach to Latin America and the Caribbean, US leadership is notably missing.

UN Inefficiency Revealed Again, This Time in Syria
UN Inefficiency Revealed Again, This Time in Syria

Though the UN’s job, according to its charter, is to maintain international peace and security, protect human rights, deliver humanitarian aid, promote sustainable development, and uphold international law, the organization is becoming increasingly ineffective in all these areas. And now people like Ahmad see help from the UN as a dangerous mistake.