Winston Churchill

China Takes Aim at the Postwar Order
China Takes Aim at the Postwar Order

The People’s Republic of China not only has the intent to build a new world order, but it also has the resources and capabilities to do so—which helps explain why those who designed and uphold the existing world order are answering China’s challenge.

Democracies & Dirty Hands

But it’s important for the souls of democracies that, even as they must make nasty accommodations in pursuit of a wider good, that they fully admit to themselves this reality, without self-delusion.

A President’s Prayer on the World War II Memorial
A President’s Prayer on the World War II Memorial

The Friends of the National World War II Memorial recently announced the charity had received a $2-million grant that will allow the inclusion of President Franklin Roosevelt’s D-Day prayer on the memorial site.

Losing Elections

Famously, when he lost the 1945 general election, Winston Churchill was told it was a blessing in disguise, to which…

Britain and the “Real” End of World War II
Britain and the “Real” End of World War II

Last month was the seventy-fifth anniversary of V-J Day—Victory over Japan, August 14, 1945—the official end of World War II. Yet most Britons prefer to celebrate V-E Day—Victory in Europe, May 8, 1945—the defeat of Nazi Germany. Why so?

Joe Loconte on WWII’s 75th

Here Joe Loconte and I reflect on 75 years since WWII ended with the September 2, 1945 Tokyo Bay surrender…

Peter Hitchens on “Satanic Optimism,” Etc.

British commentator author Peter Hitchens, in conversation with Mark Tooley, responds to critiques by “Providence” and speaks to wider historical moment of protests and iconoclasm.

The Last Lion Snarled: Three Scenes from the Olympian Life of Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill was no perfect man. But in this week, the eightieth anniversary of the beginning of his prime ministerial effort to save Britain particularly and Western civilization generally, we speak peace to his ashes and honor to his memory.

Victory in Europe Day & Human Equality

Today is the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, so it’s appropriate that I’m reading about one of its…

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