
How Practicing Christians Can Serve in US Intelligence
How Practicing Christians Can Serve in US Intelligence

Nicholas Dujmovic, who directs the Catholic University of America’s program in intelligence and served at the Central Intelligence Agency for…

Nationalism, Internationalism, and the Liberal Order

During Providence’s Christianity and National Security Conference, Paul D. Miller spoke about nationalism, internationalism, and the liberal order. He reviewed…

How Christians Should Respond to the Global Decline in Democracy

During Providence’s Christianity and National Security Conference in Washington, DC, in November 2019, Georgetown University professor Nicole Bibbins Sedaca spoke…

Human Rights and Religious Liberty in China
Countering China on Human Rights and Religious Liberty

Travis Wussow, vice president for public policy and general counsel at the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern…

Reformed Theology and the State - John Scott Redd Jr
Reformed Theology and the State

John Scott Redd Jr., president and associate professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary near Washington, DC, spoke about…

Christian Reasons Religious Liberty
Christian Reasons for Religious Liberty

At Providence’s Christianity and National Security Conference in November 2019 at the Army Navy Club in Washington, DC, Thomas Farr…

Just War and America’s Wars - Eric Patterson - National Security Conference 2019
Just War and America’s Wars – Christianity & National Security Conference 2019

Eric Patterson, author of Just American Wars, spoke on Just War Thinking during Providence‘s annual National Security Conference in November…

Threats to Religious Liberty Globally

Nadine Maenza of the US Commission for International Religious Freedom spoke at Providence’s monthly social hour in January and shared the very latest about the threats to religious liberty globally.

Nationalism in America

As part of the Providence‘s God, America, and Nationalism Summit in Washington, DC, at the National Press Club, Walter Russell…

 ⏰ Sponsor a student for Christianity & National Security 2024

Providence's biggest event of the year takes place the final Thursday and Friday of each October, attracting close to 100 students and professors from around the country to spend two days hearing lectures and discussing the intersection of Christian ethics and foreign policy. For $300, Providence can afford to feed and house a student flying in from California, Texas, and other parts of the country for the conference. Christianity & National Security is unique; there is no other such event examining national security in light of Just War Theory and realist ethics in the Christian tradition. Please consider making a donation to allow us to continue hosting Christianity & National Security.

Christianity & National Security 2023

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