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Understand Brexit and the European Union Better by Understanding Theology: Review of Mark Royce’s The Political Theology of European Integration
Brexit and the European Union’s Overlooked Ingredient: Review of Mark Royce’s The Political Theology of European Integration

In The Political Theology of European Integration, Mark Royce corrects the political science discourse by explaining how political theology can affect international relations.

Five Things I Learned about Hungary’s Commitment to the Most Persecuted Religion Worldwide at the International Conference on Christian Persecution
Five Things I Learned about Hungary’s Commitment to Fighting Christian Persecution Worldwide

In 26 years of advocacy for the global persecuted church, this is a new one for me. The government of…

The Next Decade in the Middle East
The Next Decade in the Middle East

The US has limited ability to influence a regional cold war and needs to choose its priorities carefully. This will be the most important story for us in the next decade as we try to get out of the Middle East without abandoning our allies and making the situation worse.

The First Thing that Must Change for Iraq to Move Forward
The First Thing that Must Change for Iraq to Move Forward

The United States and the international community could make a difference in the future of Iraq by informing the incoming government that there will be no investment or access to capital markets until these militias, and Iranian influence, have been eliminated.

Alliances for Democracy

This week I attended in Washington, DC, the annual gathering of the International Democratic Union, a coalition of over 70…

Ought Implies Can: A Response to the Pope
Ought Implies Can: A Response to the Pope

A basic rule of discriminating moral reasoning is that we are only obliged to do an action that we are able to do. That is, an ought implies a can.

National Interest, National Purpose: Reimagining Morality and Foreign Policy
National Interest, National Purpose: Reimagining Morality and Foreign Policy

The United States was the first modern polity to claim political legitimacy on the basis of its recognition of certain truths, hard-wired into the human condition, about the human person and freedom. It would be unworthy of us not to take that history seriously as we think about our responsibilities in the world in the twenty-first century.

Pope Francis is Wrong about the Morality of Nuclear Weapons
Pope Francis is Wrong about the Morality of Nuclear Weapons

The pontiff is right to express concern about the risks of accidental detonation and the employment of nuclear weapons. He’s just wrong on how best to increase the chances of preventing their employment.

Orbán, Imperfect Protector of “Christian Europe”

Hungary’s leadership in bringing the plight of persecuted Christians to the attention of an apathetic West should be applauded. Yet these good works should not obfuscate the problematic developments within Hungary.