Robert Mugabe United Methodist Bishop Abel Muzorewa Zimbabwe
Mugabe’s Avoidable Tyranny?

Could Robert Mugabe’s calamitous 37-year reign over Zimbabwe have been averted if America recognized United Methodist Bishop Abel Muzorewa?

Zionism & Bolshevism

Last evening I attended a talk at the Israeli Embassy by the great Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky, who spent 9…

Defending Western Civilization
Defending Western Civilization

Even if Christians will not acknowledge the West as their own, the West is inextricably woven into the church’s eternal story, with glorious chapters yet unwritten. Christian leaders, ecclesial and intellectual, should step forward into their responsibility for leadership and stewardship of the West. Contrary to despairing conventional wisdom, it’s not too late.

Christianity & Paramount Leaders

Government serves God provisionally, not indefinitely. Xi Jinping Thought will have a short shelf life compared to the Word that endures forever.

Reformation Then & Now

The Reformation’s ennoblement of the God-created individual has a power that many despots don’t recognize until too late.

Churchill’s Painting for Adenauer

Churchill’s painting of Athens conveyed his hopes to Chancellor Adenauer that democracy could arise from the ruins of defeated and war-ravaged Germany.

The King's Choice Movie Review
King’s Choice, Honorable Statecraft & Just War

New Norwegian film ‘The King’s Choice’ about the king who defied Nazi invasion provides important lessons about honorable statecraft and Just War teaching.

Viceroy's House & the Great Game
Viceroy’s House & the Great Game

Fans of Downton Abby will appreciate that Hugh Bonneville (i.e., Lord Grantham) portrays another aristocrat, Lord Mountbatten, in the new film…

Petty Micro-Nationalisms

Hopefully, the wisdom of responsible nationalism will prevail against contrived, peevish separatism in Catalonia, Scotland, and elsewhere.