Christian Realism

A Hebraic Approach to History: Response to Doran's "The Theology of Foreign Policy"
A Hebraic Approach to History: Response to Doran’s “The Theology of Foreign Policy”

Ultimately, why Americans see the world through one theological lens or another has a lot to do with whether they identify more closely with a Hebraic or Hellenic kind of Christianity. Put another way, American Christians view the world differently depending on how much they read the Bible, believe the Bible is divinely inspired, and accept the Bible as authoritative in their lives.

American Power and World Responsibility
American Power and World Responsibility

The United States’ involvement in two world wars indicates clearly that American isolationism is at a practical end, Reinhold Niebuhr asserts in this article, originally published on April 5, 1943 in Christianity and Crisis. Working toward international integration is a national responsibility – morally and in the interests of security. Alliances depend on the will of their members; it is no different for the United States. Niebuhr also warns of a new danger: a unilateral “imperialist” American military establishment, simultaneously preoccupied with hegemony and unconcerned with the rest of the world.

Cattle, Pigs & Skunks (O My!): A Brief Reflection on the Religious Foreign Policy Persuasion

Christian theo-political witness has always contended that political responsibility cannot be had by seeking either greatness or goodness absent the other.

Manger, Cross and Resurrection: The Habit of Repentance
The Manger, The Cross and The Resurrection: A Christian Interpretation of Our Time

Ironically, it is possible to boast of one’s humility. In this article, originally published in Christianity and Crisis on April 19, 1943, Paul Ramsey aims to explain why. While Ramsey advocates constant repentance as a logical consequence of a Christian self-evaluation and imperfect humanity, he portrays such repentance as moral hygiene rather than attitude. He avoids the divestment camp, which prioritizes a clear conscience over achieving moral good at the cost of personal iniquity. In its most essential form, this is repentance for our assumption of righteousness. 

Better Relations Between Government and Church in Soviet Russia

In a Byzantine relationship, a church can be forgiven for choosing not to denounce the government publicly. Henry Sloane Coffin…

Blessed Are the Peacemakers - Sermon on the Mount - War
Blessed are the Peacemakers

Force is always only the form love takes against terrible evil in the last resort when nothing else will protect the innocent, restore justice, and bring about the conditions for peace. The old Chestertonian nugget remains: “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”

Palm Sunday Jesus triumphal entry
What the Cross Did (& Didn’t Do)

While the triumphal procession of Christ into Jerusalem marked the beginning of the end of the problem of Sin for eternity, it didn’t quite attend to the problem of human evil in history. But God’s grace has a plan to partially address that too. And he gave us a sword to help carry it out.

Can Christians Support Gina Haspel as CIA Director? Torture Bonnie Kristian
Can Christians Support Gina Haspel, a “Torturer,” as CIA Director?

Can a Christian support using sleep deprivation against known terrorists to gain valuable intelligence that could save lives?

Religion in Russia
Religion in Russia

In this piece, originally published in Christianity and Crisis on March 22, 1943, N.S. Timasheff notes that the godless policy of the Communist party didn’t indicate an irreligious populace.

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Providence's biggest event of the year takes place the final Thursday and Friday of each October, attracting close to 100 students and professors from around the country to spend two days hearing lectures and discussing the intersection of Christian ethics and foreign policy. For $300, Providence can afford to feed and house a student flying in from California, Texas, and other parts of the country for the conference. Christianity & National Security is unique; there is no other such event examining national security in light of Just War Theory and realist ethics in the Christian tradition. Please consider making a donation to allow us to continue hosting Christianity & National Security.

Christianity & National Security 2023

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