
Review of Jonathan Chaplin’s Beyond Establishment

Jonathan Chaplin’s “Beyond Establishment” compellingly argues the Christian case for disestablishing the Church of England

Winston Churchill’s “The River War”

Winston Churchill described his book, “The River War: An Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan,” as “a tale of blood and war.”

A Moral Assessment of the British Empire: It’s Complicated

Was the British Empire, all things considered, as evil as some say?

Why a Coronation Matters

Where men are forbidden to honour a king they honour millionaires, athletes, or film-stars

For Great Power Competition, America Can Learn from William Pitt, The Elder

William Pitt, The Elder, 18th Century Prime Minister of Britain, offers many lessons for American statesmen today.

Guy Fawkes & National Identity

The day has been central to Britain’s unfolding self-identity as  independent, self-governing, defiant, free from domestic and external tyranny. 

Corrymeela, Northern Ireland: a Christian Outpost in a Nation at War with Itself (Part Two)

Corrymeela’s community believes no one can unwind every evil of the past, so each person can only decide how he will live with others in the present.

Corrymeela, Northern Ireland: a Christian Outpost in a Nation at War with Itself (Part One)

Through the Good Friday Agreement, Corrymeela was an epicenter for people working towards a peaceful settlement to the Troubles.

Duty and Faith

Elizabeth always continued on – duty, faith, and family at the heart of her mission. While Western Europe lost its faith, she held fast.