
Biden’s Failed Strategy in Venezuela and Iran

To understand why Biden’s strategy failed in Venezuela, it is clarifying to consider his similarly ineffective approach to Iran

Leaving America’s Back Door Open

The Biden administration’s policy in Latin America has empowered anti-American regimes and endangered national interests.

Tensions along the US-Mexico Border: Using “Lethal Force” against Migrants
Tensions along the US-Mexico Border: Using “Lethal Force” against Migrants

W. Alejandro Sanchez: Trump’s inflammatory language is not helpful. Rather than engaging with the governments of Central America or the new administration in Mexico, or with the caravan leaders themselves, the president has focused on militarizing the border, vilifying the migrants, and threatening US allies.

Restored Relations and Moral Renewal? What Obrador’s Victory Could Mean for Mexico’s Future

Mexico’s newly elected president, AMLO, has promised to regenerate the country with his fight against corruption

What You Should Know About NAFTA
What You Should Know About NAFTA

The sixth round of talks to update the NAFTA will begin later this month in Canada. But Canadian officials are increasingly concerned that President Trump will announce the United States will unilaterally withdraw—either as a negotiation tactic or as a way to shift toward Trump’s favored protectionism. Here is what you should know about the perennially controversial trade agreement.