Christian Realism

Liberal Internationalism vs “Democratic Realism,” 20 Years Later 

30 years after Charles Krauthammer’s “Democratic Realism”, his pragmatic internationalism is needed more than ever

Democracy’s Failure in Pakistan and then Afghanistan

The story of democracy’s failure to take root in Afghanistan is directly related to its failure in Pakistan

Starship Troopers: Heinlein’s Classic Realism

The novel Starship Troopers (1959) remains a classic of realist political philosophy in the democratic tradition

Dealing with Jimmy Carter

His presidency doesn’t model sound statecraft but his life across a century is a model for all.

Was Jesus a Pacifist?
The Holy Week Reader—Monday: A Savior Who Overturns Tables

The cleansing of the temple reveals the character of our Messiah and is a model for those who would follow him.

Niebuhr and Gandhi: Comparative Religious Realism

Ghandi and Niebuhr both believed in the power of religion to shape societies and history

Pacem in Terris and Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger thought deeply about the legacy of Pope John XXIII’s encyclical “Pacem in Terris” (Peace on Earth)

Auschwitz holocaust
To Remember is an Action Verb

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. Among much else, it reminds us that the distinction between good and evil–the ability to make it–is essential to human flourishing.

Reinhold Niebuhr’s Vision of the Future

Reinhold Niebuhr’s never-before-published article from 1953 on the future he hoped to live in

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