
just war vatican catholic
A Roman Catholic Conference on Nonviolence & Just Peace

A three day conference in Rome, co-convened by a Vatican council and Catholic peacemakers groups, is taking another look at an old debate

Bonhoeffer & Anti-Nazi Martyrs

April 9 was the anniversary of the executions of Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer and five fellow anti-Nazi conspirators in 1945 at…

women in war combat
Women in War Redux

From The Religious Freedom Project’s series

Air War
Consequences of a Hamstrung Air War

Gen. Jim Mattis once insisted: “No war is over until the enemy says it’s over.” Regarding ISIS, we’ve done little to convince them their time is ended.

Obama Doctrine Revised
Damned if you Do, Damned if you Don’t: Obama Doctrine Revised

Obama and Bush demonstrate the dangers of overly aggressive and overly passive foreign policies, but they share something in common: a deeply moral vision of America’s role in the world.

Obama, Kissinger & Argentine Tango

President Obama danced the Tango literally and figuratively while in Argentina.  The figurative dance was his “apology” as some described…

The One Hope of the World

C.S. Lewis & the Just War Character

The Syrian Civil War & the Refugee Crisis

More than 250,000 Syrians have lost their lives in four-and-a-half years of armed conflict, and 11 million—half of the Syrian…

Sedate & Sober Strength

Seventy years ago today Winston Churchill gave his Iron Curtain Speech, articulating what is obvious today but was not fully…