The Vengeance of Victors
The Vengeance of Victors

There is no more dismal aspect of human history than the behavior of victors. However just their cause, they never fail to cast doubt upon its righteousness by the manner in which they exploit their victory.

Churchill: Walking with Destiny

British historian Andrews Roberts discusses his magnificent new biography of Winston Churchill, including his political incorrectness by contemporary standards, his…

The Christian as Citizen, Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The Christian as Citizen, Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The reclamation of a two-kingdom theology is a first step toward more careful and responsible thinking about issues such as Harry Truman’s decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Christian Reflection on Hiroshima/Nagasaki 75th Anniversary

Next month is the 75th anniversary of the US atomic strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In recognition of the event,…

A Christian View on Sovereignty

This article by Gerald Monsman from 75 years ago, originally titled “Reflections on Sovereignty,” addresses whether the United States should cooperate with other countries for the global good.

Missionaries as Spies in World War II: A Review of Matthew A. Sutton’s Double Crossed
Missionaries as Spies in World War II: A Review of Matthew A. Sutton’s Double Crossed

Matthew A. Sutton’s Double Crossed is an important book that offers a case study of how religious leaders contributed to national security in a challenging wartime environment.

Memorial Day & General Kroesen

General Frederick Kroesen, veteran of three wars and survivor of an assassination attempt, died last week, age 97.  Six years…

Ministers of Justice

Memorial Day is the right time to reflect on the costs of war and why they are sometimes worth paying.

The Last Lion Snarled: Three Scenes from the Olympian Life of Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill was no perfect man. But in this week, the eightieth anniversary of the beginning of his prime ministerial effort to save Britain particularly and Western civilization generally, we speak peace to his ashes and honor to his memory.

Explore WWII