Biden Administration

Child Sex Trafficking, Open Borders, and America’s Foundations

Child sex trafficking is ineluctably tied up with America’s open borders, which cannot be fixed if Americans do not believe in America itself

The Biden Administration’s Cascading Crises

With every foreign policy failure, America falls further into a negative feedback loop

It’s Not the Economy, Stupid: Azerbaijan and Armenia

The conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia is primarily about religion and history, and only secondarily economics

Showing Strength in South America to Deter Venezuela

America cannot afford to let Venezuela invade Guyana

Paul Miller Christianity & National Security 2023

Paul Miller’s lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. Paul Miller discusses Afghanistan, Christian realism, and secular realism. The following…

House Republicans Risk America’s Security for Performative Politics

With Mike Johnson as the new Speaker, the Republicans will have to get serious about American foreign policy objectives

Don’t Blame Biden for the Hamas Attacks

Hamas’s attacks on Israel were always going to happen, regardless of America’s president

The New Twin Pillars: Preparing for a New Era of American Rebalancing in the Middle East

In the 1960s and 70s America relied on Saudi Arabia and Iran as its allies in the Middle East. Today, we just rely on Israel and Saudi

If the Choice Is Charlatans or Fanatics, Choose the Former

Better to side with transparently self-interested Saudi over transparently evil Iran