
Germany’s 75 Years of Providential Good Choices

Germany chose malevolence, learned, then chose life.

Moral vs. Immoral Resistance Part II: Dietrich Bonhoeffer vs. Colombia’s Terrorists

What is the difference between a terrorist and a freedom-fighter? Part 2 of Eric Patterson’s 4-part series on Just War.

Review of Michael Hesemann’s The Pope and The Holocaust

The historical reputation of Pope Pius XII and his role in the Second World War have been disputed with passionate and often angry conviction since almost the time of his death.

“Two Corinthians” – Religious Populism in the West

Donald Trump’s infamous “Two Corinthians” reference has proven exemplary of the relationship of right-populism and religion.

The Global Stakes of the War in Ukraine

America and her allies must understand that the War in Ukraine has never been just about Ukraine

Ukraine after One Year: A Sober Assessment

After years of appeasement and failing to reckon with a reborn Russian imperialism, the U.S. and NATO nations are awaking from their moral and military slumber.

The War in Ukraine through German Eyes

The West is therefore morally and politically obligated to the defense of Ukraine, assisting her with any and all means necessary for her protection and survival.

Post-War Munich and American Housing Requisitions: A Christian Realist Plea
Post-War Munich and American Housing Requisitions: A Christian Realist Plea

“The people of Munich were informed by proclamation of the city administration that the requisition of private homes for army housing was to be carried through, and to a greater extent than had been hitherto feared.”

Five Impressions on Niebuhr and Co., 1945–47

From 1945 to 1947 as the United States and Soviet Union moved toward the Cold War, Christian realists writing for Reinhold Niebuhr’s journal, Christianity and Crisis, responded to global dilemmas. Here are five impressions of those articles, along with lessons for today.