Christian Realism is far preferable to Christian Nationalism for emphasizing individual liberty and rightful patriotism without idolizing the state, an ideology, a party, or a demagogue
Eric PattersonDecember 12, 2024
Although integralism specifically and postliberalism generally seem to be declining as philosophical projects, Kevin Vallier’s “All the Kingdoms of the World” still urges us to ask why these ideas were so popular in the first place
John SheltonNovember 21, 2024
Providence will prevail, but the path is filled with martyrs.
Mark TooleyJune 15, 2024
Review of “The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory” by Tim Alberta
Jeffrey CimminoDecember 7, 2023
There’s a new phenomenon in Iran: young men and women posting videos of themselves flipping the turbans off clerics’ heads….
Shay KhatiriFebruary 22, 2023
Patrick Deneen’s 2014 article, “A Catholic Showdown Worth Watching,” now seems like ancient history. Its observations about the divide between…
Darryl HartJanuary 9, 2023
Autocracies might be great for fictionalized entertainment but not for real life.
Mark TooleyOctober 28, 2022
Christian Realism works to harmonize and reform society through mediating rival interests and leaning into Providence.
Mark TooleySeptember 8, 2022
The Christian challenge is to identify a role for good government to restrain evil alongside other God-given institutions while at the same time establishing robust means to check the evil of government.
Matthew T. MartensAugust 2, 2022