
These Are Not Barbarians

Westerners must reckon with the fact that Islamic terrorists are not outliers but instead have broad support across the global Muslim community

Niall Ferguson Exaggerates America’s Weakness and China’s Strength

Niall Ferguson’s view that America may soon topple like the Soviet Union massively underestimates American resiliency, especially compared to China

Israel’s Policy of Escalation Dominance

Israel’s strategy of deterrence has long hinged on showing adversaries that, if provoked, it will always strike back harder than before

Biden’s Failed Strategy in Venezuela and Iran

To understand why Biden’s strategy failed in Venezuela, it is clarifying to consider his similarly ineffective approach to Iran

Securing a Core Group of Near East Allies to Counter Iran

The United States must cement a core group of allies in the Middle East as the basis for stability in a long-unstable region

The Death of Deterrence

If the West allows the credible threat of deterrence to die with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, only more violence will ensue in the long run

Never Pay the Ransom

Lessons from the British Poet Rudyard Kipling warn of appeasement to aggressors, drawing on the lessons of history

A Coherent U.S. Policy on Iran is Needed Now

The United States has not had a consistent approach to Iran in years

The Iraq War Was a Success

Although the Iraq War was long and costly, leaving Saddam Hussein in power would only have led to even worse outcomes