Jair Bolsonaro

Brazil & Christian Violence

Strong faith is no substitute for or guarantee of political good judgment.

The Mixed Blessing of Brazilian President, Lula, in the Middle East

Brazil’s leftist president, Lula, spells better news for Israel.

Populism in France’s Presidential Election - Marine Le Pen
Populism in France’s Presidential Election

What are we to make of France’s presidential election? More than anything, it points to the power of anti-systemic populism in French politics, whether on the Left or Right.

Russian Invasion of Ukraine Reveals Incoherence of Jair Bolsonaro’s Foreign Policy
Russian Invasion of Ukraine Reveals Incoherence of Jair Bolsonaro’s Foreign Policy

This week Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro spoke about neutrality but clearly sided with Vladimir Putin by repeating Russian propaganda.

Sonnet from the Portuguese: A Review of Glenn Greenwald’s Securing Democracy
A Saga of Brazilian Corruption: Review of Glenn Greenwald’s Securing Democracy

Glenn Greenwald’s “Securing Democracy: My Fight for Press Freedom and Justice in Bolsonaro’s Brazil” explores his astonishing personal and professional confrontation with the rulers of his adopted home.

The Capitol Hill Invasion and International Religious Freedom
The Capitol Hill Invasion and International Religious Freedom

This perception in Latin America and elsewhere is very troubling and should worry American conservative Christians who care about international religious freedom.

COVID-19 and the Need for Balancing Power: A Perspective from Brazil - Donald Trump Jair Bolsonaro China
COVID-19 and the Need for Balancing Power: A Perspective from Brazil

The COVID-19 pandemic illustrates interesting dynamics of the current international order, including how countries like Brazil are stuck with an aggressive China and an absent America.

2020 Forecast: What Could Happen in Latin America and the Caribbean?
2020 Forecast: What Could Happen in Latin America and the Caribbean?

As the new year commences, there are several developments taking place in Latin America and the Caribbean that will likely make international headlines in 2020. In this commentary, we will briefly discuss some issues to keep in mind.

US-Brazil Relations and Concerns over Nepotism in Brasilia
US-Brazil Relations and Concerns over Nepotism in Brasilia

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s decision to nominate his son, Eduardo Bolsonaro, to become the next ambassador of Brazil to the US has triggered concerns about nepotism in the South American nation.