Kissinger the Centenarian continues to amaze – his wisdom is a national treasure in this troubled twenty-first century.
Robert MorrisonJune 20, 2023
America and her allies must understand that the War in Ukraine has never been just about Ukraine
J. Daryl CharlesApril 20, 2023
President Kennedy understood the need to counter America’s enemies without precipitating WWIII.
Robert MorrisonApril 17, 2023
The results of the disastrous Versailles Treaty led to war in Europe for a century. Can we finally exorcise the ghosts of Versailles?
Robert MorrisonApril 14, 2023
The United States are not prepared for a cold war with China over Taiwan, yet to avoid it, America needs to start acting as if they were already upon them, and learn from the last one.
Alan DowdAugust 16, 2022
Biden fears escalation; this plays into the hands of Putin, the former KGB operative, who exploits the West’s moral weakness with both cunning and barbarism.
J. Daryl CharlesAugust 8, 2022
Some America First Republicans are nearly indistinguishable from the standard fare retreaters we were served from the “Blame America First” leftists of the Cold War.
Rebeccah HeinrichsJuly 22, 2022
Appeasement is an incentivizing force behind Turkey’s pursuit of strategic autonomy and extortion.
Dan HarreJuly 19, 2022
Moscow and Beijing’s argument of “Western encroachment” has an aura of authenticity in other capitals around the world, where there is a sense that the West’s business enterprises, Hollywood culture, and radical sexual ideologies are bludgeoning their cultures.
Eric PattersonJuly 1, 2022