
Punishment and Restitution after the Russia-Ukraine War | Jus Post Bellum Series, Part 3
Punishment and Restitution after the Russia-Ukraine War | Jus Post Bellum Series, Part 3

Jus post bellum justice provides us with two criteria: holding aggressors responsible (punishment) and providing some form of restoration to victims (restitution). The reality of our time suggests a very limited justice.

America May Need to Support an Independent Kurdistan Soon
America May Need to Support an Independent Kurdistan Soon

We shouldn’t redraw existing borders carelessly. But when trying to hold a state together becomes more disruptive to international order than allowing it to break apart, when one group mistreats another within a state, when a government loses the ability and authority to govern, the sensible course is to let that state dissolve.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Between God and Jeff Sessions: A Rightly Ordered Response

The choice is not between open borders or Birkenau. The choice which lies before us is whether or not we will make a government which reflects the divine justice for which government exists. 

The Great Good of Order: A Partial Defense of Jeff Sessions
The Great Good of Order: A Partial Defense of Jeff Sessions

Most Christians, including most evangelicals, have been falling over themselves to denounce Jeff Sessions. But the way this immigration debate is carried out too often mirrors the political debate.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte
Rodrigo Duterte and Heaven’s Justice

With Duterte, many felt heaven’s justice had come, wielding (symbolically and literally) the sword entrusted to government against evildoers. And despite international criticism, the Filipino people widely approve of the Duterte way. When offered the choice between vigilante justice and no justice at all, a downtrodden people will choose the former every time.

A Return to Fortress America?
A Return to Fortress America?

As history reminds us, the security payoffs of a “Fortress America” approach are ephemeral and fleeting. Both the national interest and international security suffer when America turns inward.

Chaos Vancouver Riots
Chaos: The Fundamental Problem of Human Society

At any and every corner of personal and social life, the primary threat to human flourishing is the disordering of the human soul and social relations into self-centered, prideful, tribal, or sentimental factions. Chaos is a cancer that manifests itself within the soul of the individual and social relations when order disintegrates.