
Republican Toryism in America

American conservatives would benefit from reading Ron Dart’s recent work, “The North American High Tory Tradition”

Rising Individualism, Declining Western Civilization

Tory MP Danny Kruger sketches a philosophy of history that laments the West’s lost sense of deep community without romanticizing the past

Olympic flag
Particularity, Universality, & How Olympic Values Have Gone a Stinker

The Olympic games have always been about going higher, moving faster, and being stronger than those around you. We used to know this. Let us never forget it.

Virtue vs. Relativism and Foreign Policy 

Virtue is a prerequisite to a healthy polity at home, which is in turn necessary for a strong America internationally

Leaving Home to Fight for Peace 

The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.

prudence just war wisdom
Just War 101 — E9: Prudence; or, Reality (Sometimes) Bites

Just war morality demands that ethical judgements must take into account certain cold, unrelenting, and frustratingly immovable facts. Wisdom matters.

Education school of athens
One End of Learning

Education in a free society is aimed at morally forming men and women of character capable of helping that free society to flourish

The Ten Commandments and Political Paradox

We must always foster a love that has a capacity for forgiveness with a vigilance to observe and enforce the law.

The Crisis of the University

We need to become outposts of intellectual seriousness and Christian virtue and moral sanity that expose the darkness of our generation.