Woodrow Wilson

The Free World Needs More than More of the Same

Whether it’s Biden or Trump in the White House come 2025, the American-led international order deserves better

NATO’s Future is Churchillian, Not Wilsonian

The future of NATO must be defined by Churchillian realism and not Wilsonian idealism

The Ghosts of Versailles

The results of the disastrous Versailles Treaty led to war in Europe for a century. Can we finally exorcise the ghosts of Versailles?

A Tale of Two Culture Wars

The idea of a culture war is not new.

China—As a Chinese Sees It
China—As a Chinese Sees It

Why did the CCP grow so strong? George Dsang explains in this Christianity and Crisis article from 75 years ago.

America Must Defend Democracy
America Must Defend Democracy

What the Free World built from the rubble of World War II isn’t perfect. But it’s unquestionably better than the alternative being pushed by Xi and Putin—and it’s definitely worth defending.

Honoring Old Glory on Flag Day
Honoring Old Glory on Flag Day

On June 14, Americans recognize Flag Day. It is not a holiday, but it is a day honoring the establishment of our nation’s most visible and moving symbol on June 14, 1777: the “Red, White, and Blue.”

Extending the Hard Line with China
Extending the Hard Line with China

President Joe Biden’s China policy is coming into focus. As some of us predicted before his inauguration, he appears to be continuing the previous administration’s hard-line stance with Beijing—suggesting that the COVID-19 crisis marks a turning point akin to how the communist bloc’s attempt to seize West Berlin and South Korea solidified bipartisan commitment to waging the Cold War.

The Return to Liberal Internationalism: A Review of Ikenberry’s A World Safe for Democracy
The Return to Liberal Internationalism: A Review of Ikenberry’s A World Safe for Democracy

In his book “A World Safe for Democracy,” John Ikenberry writes an impassioned defense of liberal internationalism and the international order it helped to create.