
The Vietnam Syndrome, Revisited

The rueful lessons of the Vietnam War, especially their roots in the hubris of modern liberalism, remain largely forgotten.

South China Sea
Taking on Water

One of the many areas of the globe in which the current international order is being challenged is in the Asia-Pacific, where a quickly rising, aggressive, and revisionist China is attempting to remake the regional order and to replace American leadership with its own (while working to chip away at American dominance over the global order, as well).

Harry Wu
Harry Wu, a Friend of Freedom, Heads Home

Harry Wu fought the good fight and finished his leg of the race. The rest of us who believe in human freedom need to take the baton he carried.

Obama’s Nonproliferation Record Earns Failing Grade

If one actually looks at the risks of nuclear war as well as the likelihood of proliferation at the start of the President’s term compared to now, the Obama’s nonproliferation record earns a failing grade. This becomes clear when one reflects on the Russian nuclear posture, the much ballyhooed Iran deal, and the situation in nuclear North Korea.

More U.S. Defensive Measures Wise Response

Does the brutal, provocative and nuclear-armed North Korean regime actually pose a threat to the United States?

When did America forget that it is America?

Amid the plethora of security threats the world is facing today, North Korea, with its fourth nuclear test on Jan. 6, long-range missile test on Feb. 7 and firing of short range missiles in late March, has been doing all it can in order to ensure that it gets its share of attention.

Old Doctrines for a New Domain

CSIS has developed a new online tool for tracking major cyberattacks around the world. The website is as helpful as it is sobering.

America, Ike & Islam

Can you imagine an American president today greeted by hundreds of thousands with acclaim and American flags as he rides…

Korea, America & Providential Duty

Last week a delegation of delightful South Korean students visited our office.  They all stood respectfully when I arrived, took…