Europe & Eurasia

Convince Russia Nuclear Retaliation Threat is Real

The United States and NATO have zero tolerance for the use of nuclear weapons and would exact a punishing response against Russian leadership and/or military facilities ensuring there would be no second strike, to put it lightly. At least, this is what the U.S. government should make Waterford-crystal-clear.

Eurovision Soft Power Lesson
Eurovision’s Soft Power Lesson

Jamala’s victory at Eurovision, a popular singing competition most Americans have never heard of, offers lessons in soft power.

European Security
Why European Security Matters to America

Instead of viewing the U.S. military as the world’s policeman or as protecting free riders around the globe, we should understand why it is in America’s interests to maintain forces in Europe and ensure that NATO remains strong.

Winston Churchill and the Crisis of American Leadership

Throughout his presidency, Obama has appeared profoundly uncomfortable with the qualities most often associated with Churchill: martial resolve, moral clarity, and supreme confidence in the transcendent ideals of Western Civilization.

Responsibility to Protect
Calling All Christians: The Responsibility to Protect

The Episcopal Church has taken a strong stand in support of Responsibility to Protect (R2P), an international norm developed to stop genocide and other crimes against humanity.

Reaganov Russia Besieged Russia Post Putin
Besieged or Reaganov Russia: Forecasting a Post-Putin World

Gaddy and O’Hanlon from Brookings argue that a Reaganov Russia or Besieged Russia are the most likely scenarios after Putin leaves power, but telling the difference between the two would be difficult for foreign observers.

U.S. Bases in Europe Trump
Trump’s Misanalysis of U.S. Bases in Europe

Many have rightly said Europe should have a more effective military force. However, Trump wrongly implies that bases in Germany do not serve any national interests, and he may even be wrong to imply that America has troops in Germany primarily to defend Europe.

Tunnel at the End of the Light: Slovakia’s Democracy on Trial

The rise of right-wing extremism is one of the indicators that despite many successes on their road to democracy, Slovakia may still be in the tunnel Havel referred to over 20 years ago.

The Failure of Government & the Rise of the Strongmen

When the government fails to provide peace, order, and justice, justifiably angry and fearful citizens will seek to procure those things for themselves

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