Soviet Union (USSR)

Ike’s Military Industrial Complex

Bret Baier’s new book Three Days in January: Dwight Eisenhower’s Final Mission focuses on Ike’s 1961 farewell speech eschewing the “military industrial complex.”

Last Days of Stalin

At the moment of her father’s death, Josef Stalin’s daughter recalled: “He suddenly lifted his left hand as though he…

Ronald Reagan Soviet Union Collapse Podcast
ProvCast Episode 4: Reagan & the Soviet Collapse, 25 Years Later

Twenty-five years ago today, the Supreme Soviet formally declared that the Soviet Union no longer exists. Joseph Loconte speaks on the role Ronald Reagan played.

12/25/91: Reagan, the Soviets, & the Ash-Heap of History

Joy to the World: 25 years ago this Christmas, the Evil Empire Fell. Ronald Reagan helped shove it over.