Christian Realism

Trump, Mueller, and the Glorious Hassle of Justice

Against the backdrop of a watching world, the United States is in the midst of an intense period of self-inflicted…

ProvCast Ep. 23: What is Christian Realism and Why Does it Matter for American Foreign Policy?

Professor Joe Loconte sits down with Providence Managing Editor Drew Griffin to discuss the role of Christian Realism in American politics. 

For God and Country, Part 2: Not Necessarily the Nation-State
For God and Country, Part 2: Not Necessarily the Nation-State

Should Christians promote nation-states in all places at all times? No.

Martin Luther King, America & the World
Martin Luther King Jr. as Icon of US Democracy

There is typically too little reference to the civil rights martyr’s Cold War role. He delivered two important Cold War…

A Return to Christian Realism
A Return to Christian Realism

We need a return to a sober Christian Realism that appreciates our fallenness, the fallenness of the world, and our limits in shaping world events.

The Case for Pragmatic Globalism: A Review of Paul Miller’s American Power and Liberal Order: A Conservative Internationalist Grand Strategy
The Case for Pragmatic Globalism: Review of Paul Miller’s American Power and Liberal Order

All in all, American Power and Liberal Order is an excellent book providing a spirited defense of what has largely been a successful American grand strategy for the past 70 years. The big question remains whether the same framework could work for the next 70 years, or whether new external challenges and internal political changes call for a different approach.

Walter Russell Mead Lecture: “Christian Realism”

Walter Russell Mead, James Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and the Humanities at Bard College, lectured at Providence’s Christianity and National Security Conference on November 2, 2018.

Human Rights in the Balance: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70 Years On
Human Rights in the Balance: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70 Years On

Christians often look at noble efforts such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) as not going far enough. But it is an illustration of the character of a just God imprinted upon the hearts of unjust men and women. Its veneration is an opportunity.

George H.W. Bush and the Vocation of Politics
George H.W. Bush and the Vocation of Politics

President George H.W. Bush was a principled Christian politician who was devoted to public service as an outgrowth of his faith, and not in spite of it.

Explore Christian Realism