For big industries and environmental NGOs, purchasing UN-sanctioned carbon credits in indigenous reservations seemed to be a good idea. However, the morality of the whole thing is gray.
Braulia RibeiroMarch 29, 2017
FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers gave unclassified testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. The purpose of the hearing was to discuss Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Here are ten things you should know from the hearing.
Joe CarterMarch 21, 2017
Bret Baier’s new book Three Days in January: Dwight Eisenhower’s Final Mission focuses on Ike’s 1961 farewell speech eschewing the “military industrial complex.”
Mark TooleyMarch 9, 2017
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s policy towards Russia depended on a willful disregard for the Moscow regime’s most brutal acts. The problem for the president—and for the American public—was that he seemed to believe the utterly false portrait of Stalin he helped to create.
Joseph LoconteMarch 2, 2017
The United States has quietly taken the first step towards softening economic sanctions against Russia. The White House’s explanation for the ease was far from clarifying. A healthy dose of critical skepticism is in order.
George BarrosFebruary 24, 2017
Given that America is (by far) Canada’s top trading partner, the prospective renegotiation of NAFTA is now by necessity Canada’s top foreign affairs priority.
Gideon StraussFebruary 8, 2017
The recent unpleasant telephone call between the USA president and Australian premier over refugees contrasts with the bromance between LBJ and Harold Holt.
Mark TooleyFebruary 8, 2017
Had Castro been executed while in prison, history may indeed have absolved him for his role in attempting to overthrow the Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. Instead, Castro would live to become an even more brutal and ruthless despot than the one he replaced.
Joe CarterNovember 29, 2016
Fidel Castro has died. But in the end neither the Cuban story, nor the human one, will be about him.
Alberto M. FernandezNovember 28, 2016