Biden Administration

Embrace American Energy Leadership to Compete with China

As the world economically develops, the United States must lead as the world’s foremost energy exporter

Misunderstanding Escalation Dynamics with Russia

In the Russo-Ukrainian War, only one side’s actions are labeled as escalatory, and it’s never those of the aggressor.

How Obama Failed to Anticipate and Respond to ISIS: Review of Michael Gordon’s “Degrade and Destroy”

In “Degrade and Destroy,” Michael Gordon details the counterterrorism failures of the Obama Administration while foreshadowing the disaster of the Biden Administration

American Dominance in Space Isn’t Inevitable 

While the United States won the Space Race in the 1960s against Russia, today we are in danger of losing the longer Space Marathon to China

In Praise of Righteous Power Against Hezbollah

While some Christians, like Pope Francis, equivocate on using force against the wicked, the truth is that power wielded righteously is entirely just within the Christian tradition

Doing Diplomacy with Evil Men

The Biden Administration seeks to deescalate and minimize conflict with Iran and Russia, but fails to understand that our enemies seek not peace but the destruction of the American-led global order

Niall Ferguson Exaggerates America’s Weakness and China’s Strength

Niall Ferguson’s view that America may soon topple like the Soviet Union massively underestimates American resiliency, especially compared to China

Israel’s Policy of Escalation Dominance

Israel’s strategy of deterrence has long hinged on showing adversaries that, if provoked, it will always strike back harder than before

Biden’s Failed Strategy in Venezuela and Iran

To understand why Biden’s strategy failed in Venezuela, it is clarifying to consider his similarly ineffective approach to Iran