
The Moral Restoration of the Tomb

The empty tomb of Easter Sunday answers the betrayal of Jesus on the cross with humanity’s completely restored understanding of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Moral Injury of the Cross

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross is the greatest expression in all time of the moral injury between God and humanity.

Judas' betrayal of Jesus shows that Divine love is willing to give human beings despite the risks, because love must be free
The Holy Week Reader—Wednesday: Volo Ut Sis

Christ’s treatment of Judas, despite his betrayal, illustrates the Divine Love that was willing to bring human beings into being despite the risks. Because that’s what love does.

the second temple destruction on passover
The Holy Week Reader—Tuesday: Living Faithfully Under Sentence of Death

Holy Tuesday is about preparation, endurance, and hope despite the grim realities around us. In the face of the certainty of death, we are shown how best to live.

Resurrection and the Christian Hope: Review of Timothy Keller’s Hope in Times of Fear

In “Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter,” Timothy Keller reflects on how and why the secular hope of progress has failed, and he instead offers the Christian reason for hope.

Our Witness to the Resurrection Easter
Our Witness to the Resurrection on Easter

“Our Witness to the Resurrection,” by Ursula M. NiebuhrMarch 31, 1947 “Christ is risen, alleluia.” The triumphant words ring out:…

A Problem of Evangelical Christianity: What Reinhold Niebuhr Wrote
A Problem of Evangelical Christianity: What Reinhold Niebuhr Said

In 1946, Reinhold Niebuhr visited an evangelical church for an Easter worship service in a movie theater. He did not entirely enjoy the experience. Here are his reflections.

How Pope Francis Reminds Us of Good Friday and Easter Sunday
How Pope Francis Reminds Us of Good Friday and Easter Sunday

One important theme of the pontificate of Pope Francis has been a message of hope to Christians in the Middle East and Africa that they are not forgotten.

Persecuted Christians Need You Now More Than Ever
Persecuted Christians Need You Now More Than Ever

Even as we remember that Jesus rose from the dead in Jerusalem, Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere experience some of the highest levels of persecution in the world.