The United States must cement a core group of allies in the Middle East as the basis for stability in a long-unstable region
Alberto M. FernandezAugust 19, 2024
Recent rumors of secret Russian underwater operations across Scandinavia have their (sonar) echoes in similar events from the 1980s.
Steven TuckerAugust 21, 2023
Ukraine’s fate, most assuredly, will determine the West’s – and America’s – authority in the world.
J. Daryl CharlesJune 19, 2023
France’s centuries-long quest for strategic autonomy has more often than not led to bad outcomes for the French.
Mike CotéApril 19, 2023
Xi Jinping is watching the Ukrainian invasion closely and is strategizing his long-term interactions with the democratic world based on the West’s response.
Jianli Yang & Yan YuJuly 8, 2022
The Russian invasion of Ukraine helped the West remember that it is fortified by a shared love of peace.
Abigail WilsonJune 30, 2022
Tom Holland, author of the recently published “Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World,” has done a great service to current discussions on the relationship between Christianity and Western civilization.
Daniel StrandJune 17, 2020
The “europeanization” of American politics, far from a reason to rejoice, should be the occasion for wailing and gnashing of teeth.
H. David BaerMay 23, 2020
While it is still too early to ascertain the COVID-19 pandemic’s damage to our country and the world, it is already evident that the crisis will result in structural changes within and among countries.
Mark AmstutzMay 22, 2020