George W. Bush

We Shape Our Words, Then They Shape Us: The Role of Metaphor in US Foreign Policy

A new book explores the dynamic relationship between presidential rhetoric on foreign policy and the goals America seeks to accomplish abroad

These Are Not Barbarians

Westerners must reckon with the fact that Islamic terrorists are not outliers but instead have broad support across the global Muslim community

The Edifying Audacity of Knox Thames’ “Ending Persecution”

Knox Thames’ “Ending Persecution” is an important addition to the growing body of international religious liberty literature

The Iraq War Was a Success

Although the Iraq War was long and costly, leaving Saddam Hussein in power would only have led to even worse outcomes

Elbridge Colby Christianity & National Security 2023

Elbridge Colby’s lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. Elbridge Colby discusses China, realist foreign policy goals, and the just…

Ukraine’s Blame Game

Whose mistakes led to the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Clarifying the Terms of Debate Over a Once-Popular War

When discussing the 2003 Invasion of Iraq and its aftermath, it’s important to recall the circumstances that led to the conflict.

America’s Afghanistan Deception: A Review of Craig Whitlock’s Afghanistan Papers
America’s Afghanistan Deception: A Review of Craig Whitlock’s Afghanistan Papers

“The Afghanistan Papers” by Craig Whitlock is modeled on the Pentagon Papers, which charged that the Johnson administration systematically lied to Congress and the public about the Vietnam War. This book makes the same charge against the Bush and Obama administrations.

Neither World War II nor Vietnam: 9/11 and the New Paradigms of War
Neither World War II nor Vietnam: 9/11 and the New Paradigms of War

In her 2003 book Just War Against Terror, Jean Bethke Elshtain argued for a new paradigm for a just war: the fight against global terrorism, particularly terrorism perpetrated by followers of militant Islam. Twenty years after 9/11, this claim is due for revisiting.