
Niall Ferguson Exaggerates America’s Weakness and China’s Strength

Niall Ferguson’s view that America may soon topple like the Soviet Union massively underestimates American resiliency, especially compared to China

Biden’s Failed Strategy in Venezuela and Iran

To understand why Biden’s strategy failed in Venezuela, it is clarifying to consider his similarly ineffective approach to Iran

Acknowledging Russian Security Threats While Avoiding Russophobia

For the sake of someday having positive relations with Russia post-Putin, we must avoid Russophobia even as we support Ukraine

The Re-United States of America

America is not as divided as you would think, and not as weak either

Hard Realities, Tough Choices on Controlling Undocumented Immigration on the Border

The situation at the border is undeniably a crisis, and whatever course of action America pursues will be fraught with difficulty

Child Sex Trafficking, Open Borders, and America’s Foundations

Child sex trafficking is ineluctably tied up with America’s open borders, which cannot be fixed if Americans do not believe in America itself

Nigel Biggar Preaches on Immigration

Illegal economic migrants should be returned home, Biggar said, otherwise additional waves will be encouraged to migrate, nullifying national borders.

Religious Freedom in India Is in Trouble
Religious Freedom in India Is in Trouble

With the rise of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist ideals, Muslims, Christians, and Dalits have been targets of increasing persecution at the hands of both the state and local mobs.

American Catholic Schools Need to Take Active Measures in the Fight Against Antisemitism - Tree of Life Synagogue
American Catholic Schools Need to Take Active Measures in the Fight against Antisemitism

The Catholic community has come a long way in its relationship with its Jewish brothers and sisters, but there is more to be done. American Catholics can no longer be passive in our fight against antisemitism; we must be active, and we can start in our Catholic schools.