
Major Dan and Major John: A Reflection on Afghanistan’s Fall
Major Dan and Major John: A Reflection on Afghanistan’s Fall

Robert G. Morrison reflects on the fall of Afghanistan and the lack of religious freedom there.

Responsibility One Year after the Beirut Port Blast
Responsibility One Year after the Beirut Port Blast

On August 4, 2020, the world watched in horror as videos from the Port of Beirut blast flooded the internet. For one year, we’ve also watched politicians evade responsibility for the illegal storage of ammonium nitrate. The reality that most people, especially the Lebanese, have come to accept is that justice is extremely unlikely.

Poor Leadership Fails Palestinians, Again - COVID-19 Vaccines
Poor Leadership Fails Palestinians, Again

The Palestinian Authority has rejected desperately needed COVID-19 vaccines from Israel, and Palestinians deserve better from their leaders.

Are Young Evangelicals Experiencing a Change of Heart on Israel?
Are Young Evangelicals Experiencing a Change of Heart on Israel?

Last month, a disturbing headline from The Times of Israel proclaimed, “Support for Israel among young US evangelical Christians drops sharply — survey.”

China’s Geopolitical Plans Generate Peacemaker Ambitions
China’s Geopolitical Plans Generate Israel-Palestine Peacemaker Ambitions

Beijing aspires to be the new, responsible superpower that can mediate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and offer the Middle East stability.

Being Catholic Means Standing Up for the Jews
Being Catholic Means Standing Up for the Jews

Catholics have a unique and urgent responsibility to confront antisemitism wherever they find it.

Combatting Anti-Semitism after the Israel-Hamas Conflict
Combatting Anti-Semitism after the Israel-Hamas Conflict

A substantial uptick in anti-Semitic rhetoric and attacks has occurred from Los Angeles to New York, and abroad in London and elsewhere.

Israel vs. Hamas: A Just War Analysis - Palestine
Israel vs. Hamas: A Just War Analysis

Just war should aim at a better peace. It is unclear how a Palestinian war against Israel would do that in Palestine, Israel, or the region.

Marksism — No. 49: Jesus & Hamas, New Whiggery, & Iraq War

Today we’re covering three scintillating pieces from Providence this week, one on the Israel and Hamas conflict, another on a new book about the Iraq War, and thirdly, one by yours truly on the New Whiggery.