
The Complicated History of Evangelicals & Slavery

Sean McGever’s “Ownership: The Evangelical Legacy of Slavery in Edwards, Wesley, and Whitefield” sheds light on the multifaceted story of 18th C. Evangelicals & slavery

J. Daryl Charles Christianity & National Security 2023

J. Daryl Charles’ lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. J. Daryl Charles discusses justice, neighborly love, and great power…

“Proportionality” and Israel’s Plight

The difference between immoral revenge and lawful retribution is in the principle of proportionality

The Immorality of a Ceasefire with Hamas

Despite pleas for a ceasefire in Gaza, a ceasefire will only prolong the conflict for Israelis and Palestinians

The Ten Commandments and Political Paradox

We must always foster a love that has a capacity for forgiveness with a vigilance to observe and enforce the law.

Just War 101 — E1: A Primer on Fighting Right Fights, Rightly

The first in a series, this introductory essay grounds the historical development of just war tradition in Christian moral and political responsibility

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance: 60 Years On

Necessary, discriminate, and proportionate force in the last resort in defense of good was essential in the Wild West–just as it’s essential today

Chastened Patriotism

Patriotism is part of our repertoire of civic ideals and identities, as Jean Bethke Elshtain reminded us. While its excesses and perversions are to be lamented, Patriotism rightly perceived yields a concern for the moral tenor of one’s culture.

The Song of Deborah: a Call for Responsible Leadership

Human societies do not “fall into” a libertarian peace, nor do they self-organize at the grass-roots level into peaceful communes. No, they fall into anarchy, which is an open invitation to tyranny.