
Christian Realism, Nationalism(s), and Religious Freedom

Christian Realism is far preferable to Christian Nationalism for emphasizing individual liberty and rightful patriotism without idolizing the state, an ideology, a party, or a demagogue

Our Civilizational Moment

Samuel Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” thesis was regarded as highly controversial 30 years, yet decades later his claims have been vindicated

Military Recruitment Shortfalls Are Ultimately a Spiritual Problem

As military enlistments fall in the United States, policymakers ponder solutions to the recruitment and morality crisis.

The Chaplaincy: a Public Role of Christianity in the United States

Reclaiming chaplains who understand themselves first as chaplains, and not merely as decorative functionaries would be one way of retrieving Christianity in the public square.

Chastened Patriotism

Patriotism is part of our repertoire of civic ideals and identities, as Jean Bethke Elshtain reminded us. While its excesses and perversions are to be lamented, Patriotism rightly perceived yields a concern for the moral tenor of one’s culture.

Moral Courage and the Grim Necessity of Sacrifice 

American audiences are still hungry for cinematic portrayals of the old virtues: patriotism, heroism, courage, and self-sacrifice

“Not One Nation Alone, but of All People”

Love of country, patriotism, unity, the desire for religious liberty, and the hopes to see the world evangelized ought to mark Christians. Yet, these qualities exist alongside the realities of a fallen world, marred by sin.

G.K. Chesterton and the Patriotism of Flag Day
G.K. Chesterton and the Patriotism of Flag Day

Christians ought to carefully think about Flag Day, both in terms of symbols and in terms of citizenship.

America’s Empire of Nations - Ukraine - Russia
America’s Empire of Nations

Russia’s unwarranted aggression toward Ukraine has not only shattered the peace of Europe and unleashed a torrent of economic and physical destruction, but it has also thrown into stark relief the moral chasm between Russia and its rivals. As Putin dismembers Ukraine, he shows the importance and value of America’s empire of nations.