
Niall Ferguson Exaggerates America’s Weakness and China’s Strength

Niall Ferguson’s view that America may soon topple like the Soviet Union massively underestimates American resiliency, especially compared to China

The Death of Deterrence

If the West allows the credible threat of deterrence to die with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, only more violence will ensue in the long run

Germany’s 75 Years of Providential Good Choices

Germany chose malevolence, learned, then chose life.

Acknowledging Russian Security Threats While Avoiding Russophobia

For the sake of someday having positive relations with Russia post-Putin, we must avoid Russophobia even as we support Ukraine

“The Time Has Come”: Moving From Ukrainian Survival to Sovereignty

The time has come to allow Ukraine to defend herself properly. Half-measures, which up until now have characterized Western strategy, are not enough.

The Borderlands of the West

More concerning to East-Central Europe than renewed threats from Russia is the lack of consensus over what the West stands for  

Virtue vs. Relativism and Foreign Policy 

Virtue is a prerequisite to a healthy polity at home, which is in turn necessary for a strong America internationally

Conflicts May be Long, But Are Not “Forever Wars” 

The phrase ‘forever war’ conveys the ahistorical and exaggerated premise that, if a war is long, it is therefore unwinnable and not worth fighting. 

Washington is Misreading Early Chapters of Cold War II

Viewed broadly, the war against Hamas is just one theater of Cold War II