Vladimir Putin

America’s Empire of Nations - Ukraine - Russia
America’s Empire of Nations

Russia’s unwarranted aggression toward Ukraine has not only shattered the peace of Europe and unleashed a torrent of economic and physical destruction, but it has also thrown into stark relief the moral chasm between Russia and its rivals. As Putin dismembers Ukraine, he shows the importance and value of America’s empire of nations.

Russian Invasion of Ukraine Reveals Incoherence of Jair Bolsonaro’s Foreign Policy
Russian Invasion of Ukraine Reveals Incoherence of Jair Bolsonaro’s Foreign Policy

This week Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro spoke about neutrality but clearly sided with Vladimir Putin by repeating Russian propaganda.

Russia, China, and a Cold War–Just War Response

The present need is to deter China and Russia. This is why a “cold war” and a “just war” response is necessary.

Putin’s Aggression

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is the greatest act of national aggression since Iraq’s occupation of Kuwait nearly 32 years ago.

Storm Clouds and a Silver Lining in Europe - Russia Ukraine Putin
Storm Clouds and a Silver Lining in Europe

Vladimir Putin has launched attacks across Ukraine, recognized parts of eastern Ukraine as independent, sent Russian “peacekeepers” deep into Ukraine either to digest yet another chunk of his neighbor or to fully absorb it, and unleashed a storm in Europe. Although they cannot be seen from Kyiv, there are faint traces of silver linings in these storm clouds.

“Peace” Activists Sing Putin’s Song - Ukraine - Russia
“Peace” Activists Sing Putin’s Song

Today, after Russia has completely abjured socialist ideals, leftist “peace” movements promote Russian foreign policy narratives. What, then, motivates them?

Playing poker with a gangster

Though gangsters will strut, it is the God of all nations who will judge and dispose.

Responding to Russia’s Threat to Ukraine
Responding to Russia’s Threat to Ukraine

The US should continue to use public diplomacy so that the world does not get distracted and knows that Russia is the aggressor. But Washington must also be prepared with sanctions and other tools in case these efforts fail.

Kazakhstan’s Troubles Are Putin’s Newest Playground
Kazakhstan’s Troubles Are Putin’s Newest Playground

Russia’s play for influence in Central Asia is a wake-up call to the free world.