Mark Melton

Mark Melton was the managing editor for Providence from 2020 to 2022 and was the journal’s inaugural deputy editor from 2015 to 2020. He earned his master’s degree in international relations from the University of St. Andrews, and his bachelor’s degree in foreign language and international trade comes from Mississippi College. Prior to moving to DC, he worked as a political science adjunct professor at community colleges in Mississippi and taught English in France.

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ProvCast Episode 11: Will Christianity Survive in the Middle East?
ProvCast Episode 11: Will Christianity Survive in the Middle East?

Will Christianity survive in the Middle East? Dr. Kent R. Hill, Executive Director of the Religious Freedom Institute and former President of the Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD), discusses this vital and timely question with Providence Magazine’s Depute Editor Mark Melton.

Scotland, Britain, and Petty Nationalism
Scotland, Britain, and Petty Nationalism

Suggesting we should shun petty nationalism and encourage the ennobling type offers little foreign policy guidance, whether in Scotland or elsewhere.

ProvCast Ep. 10: Russian-Speaking Latvians and NATO
ProvCast Ep. 10: Russian-Speaking Latvians and NATO

Matt Gobush talks about Latvia, Russia, and NATO while focusing on Russian-speaking residents in Latvia and explaining why Americans should be concerned about this issue.

ProvCast Episode 9: European Integration and the Church
ProvCast Ep. 9: European Integration and the Church

Mark Royce discusses the Church’s role in the European integration project that has developed into the European Union, which his forthcoming book evaluates.

A President Honors Wounded Veterans: Review of George W. Bush’s Portraits of Courage

President George W. Bush’s Portraits of Courage can help the nation, and especially the Church, better understand wounded warriors.

ProvCast Episode 7: Obama’s Foreign Policy & Moral Multilateralism
ProvCast Ep. 8: The Obama Doctrine & Moral Multilateralism

In this episode we speak with Matt Gobush about the Obama doctrine, his foreign policy, and a concept Gobush calls “Moral Multilateralism”.

ProvCast Episode 7: North Korea Human Rights Crisis Olivia Enos Podcast
ProvCast Episode 7: North Korea’s Human Rights Crisis

In this episode we will speak with Olivia Enos from the Heritage Foundation about different North Korea human rights issues—including North Koreans being trafficked through China, religious persecution, and other violations.

ProvCast Episode 6: Protecting Middle East Minorities, Part 2
ProvCast Episode 6: Protecting Middle East Minorities, Part 2

We continue our talk with Robert Nicholson about why the Middle East has a minority problem. This conversation helps illuminate how there is, as Robert puts it, a “vibrant mosaic” of peoples in the Middle East

Foreign Policy ProvCast Episode 5: The Middle East has a Minority Problem, Part 1
ProvCast Episode 5: Protecting Middle East Minorities, Part 1

In this episode, Robert Nicholson talks about the Middle East’s minority problem and lays out five keys for how Donald Trump can reset US relations in the Middle East.

What Will Brexit Mean? A Review
What Will Brexit Mean? A Review

This morning, British Prime Minister Theresa May delivered a speech thankfully detailing her vision for Brexit beyond vague references. Still, continued uncertainty makes this drama one of the top stories I’ll be watching through 2017 and 2018.