
Beijing Offers a Glimpse of Tomorrow in the Taiwan Strait

The United States are not prepared for a cold war with China over Taiwan, yet to avoid it, America needs to start acting as if they were already upon them, and learn from the last one.

Pelosi in Taiwan

Like Churchill as he mulled Cromwell, we must prepare for threats beyond, while still contending with today.

Conquering Taiwan — What has Xi Jinping learned from Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine?
Conquering Taiwan — What has Xi Jinping learned from Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine?

Xi Jinping is watching the Ukrainian invasion closely and is strategizing his long-term interactions with the democratic world based on the West’s response.

How “Strategic Ambiguity” Led to the Great War
How “Strategic Ambiguity” Led to the Great War

What we can gain from the origins of the Great War is that strategic ambiguity played a role in bringing on that cataclysm.

Marksism – No. 75: Olympics, Integralism, Taiwan
Marksism – No. 75: Olympics, Integralism, Taiwan

This week the editors discuss articles about the Olympics, integralism and post-liberalism, and Taiwan.

On Taiwan: Goal Clarity, Strategic Tacitness, and Tactical Ambiguity
On Taiwan: Goal Clarity, Strategic Tacitness, and Tactical Ambiguity

“Strategic ambiguity” does not accurately describe the US policy on Taiwan that has been executed by successive Republican and Democratic administrations over the past 40-some years. A better description would be “strategic tacitness.”

Taiwan Has Opportunities after Success during COVID-19
Taiwan Has Opportunities after Success during COVID-19

Taiwan and the US should develop a policy for if, and when, tensions with the People’s Republic of China escalate. For Taiwan, the opportunities of COVID-19 present the perfect time to do so.

Why the Results of the Taiwan Elections Matter
Why the Results of the Taiwan Elections Matter

The reelection of President Tsai Ing-wen matters because the people’s voices were heard, and they signaled to mainland China and the rest of the world that they deeply value and cherish their freedom, democracy, human rights, and religious freedom.

How Can the US Help Taiwan in the Western Hemisphere?
How Can the US Help Taiwan in the Western Hemisphere?

While the US continues to support Taiwan, it has been unable to prevent some governments from establishing relations with China. Many of the nations that maintain diplomatic relations with Taiwan are located in Latin America and the Caribbean, two regions where the US has plenty of allies and partners. So as we discuss Taipei’s future in the Western Hemisphere, we must discuss what Washington can (realistically) do to help its ally.